
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rick Riordan Reading from House of Hades

   Yes, I know it has been a while; so, hi, moving on to sadness.
  It is with joy and a broken heart that I am writing today.  The reason I am joyful and the reason I have broken "feels" is because of the link below.  Go ahead and click the link.  I am not going to say anything about what it is.  I am warning you though, when you first see this you will be happy, but trust's not happy.
Okay, so hopefully you have watched the video. If you have, you know that it was Rick Riordan reading an exert from HoH and you also will know that he isn't reading a happy, joyful Leo being Leo exert.  No, he is reading part of the most heart wrenching part of the whole book.  (The book is not out yet, so obviously I don't really know that.  I am just guessing.) 
At first when I saw this, I was SOOOOO excited.  "Yeah, House of Hades!!!!!!!!!!!!", but after watching it, I think I would prefer NOT to have had this come out.
....i cant even....  All I thought about was Percabeth.  Now I am hyper-ventilating and rocking.  Oh god.  Oh gods.  This hurts
First, just seeing an actual physical HoH book makes me freak out because even though I knew that they were/are being printed, this is someone actually holding one and reading out of it.  How am I supposed to wait 20 more days to get HoH???????  How??????
And, did you notice that he was reading halfway through the book? Great! So now I know what to expect for the other parts of the Tartarus scene.  Pain and a lot of sobbing.

 I may seem to be overreacting a bit, but if you follow me on pinterest and saw this pin:

Well, that may have explained why I am so frazzled right now.  All I thought about was Percy watching Annabeth die.  I just cant handle it. 

Daughter of Athena