
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Son of Sobek

  So where to start...?  I have to say that I have mixed feelings about the Son of Sobek short story.  (If you don't know what I am talking about please read my last post.)
  On one hand, I am  very, very excited that there is going to be something with Percy coming out before HoH.  I think, or hope at least, that having this story might make me feel better - at least a little better - while having to wait to find out if he is 10,000% okay or not.  Yes, yes, I know that he is not 10,000% okay.  There is no way that after all he has gone through he will be 10,000% okay, but I hope you understand what I mean anyway.

  Now on the other hand,  I think this is going to be really confusing keeping all the gods and such straight.  With this being a short story it shouldn't get too confusing, but you never know if he will make a whole book out of it or not.  Mixing these two books would be as confusing and frustrating as the end of MoA. I may be wrong about it getting confusing.  Rick Riordan may be able to create a story that mixes these two worlds so expertly that every thing is peachy, but I fear that unless you know Greek mythology and Egyptian mythology so expertly that you could never get the myths confused then the story might get pretty crazy.

  All that being said,  I am going to read this short story if I get the chance. 

  So, pretty obviously this is going to be a HUGE smack-down, and I have a feeling Percy will counter with some pretty awesome water controlling tricks.  I do like the Kane Cronicles, but honestly I hope that Percy will kick some butt. 

  If you ask me, this crocodile is getting a pretty nice head start on fleeing.  I mean really!  Stop arguing and go stop the crocodile, so it won't eat any more cute pegasi.   I think  Annabeth needs to be there to keep these two on the task at hand.  I mean seriously!  Pegasi are a stake!  They can fight all they want AFTER they kill the croc.   

  My question is when the hades does this happen?  It can't be between MoA and HoH because Percy and Annabeth are in you know where.  Also, it can't happen between SoN and MoA because Percy is at the Camp Jupiter.  Nor can this occur between LH and SoN because Percy has ben taken by Hera. It wouldn't make since for the short story to happen between any books in the first sersies; therefore,  I think that this story is based  between the Last Olympian and the Lost Hero.

  You are probably tired of me ranting  on and on, so I will stop.  I just have one more question.  I have been thinking of making videos to teach Greek mythology and uploading them on here.  I want to know if that is something that would intrest you guys. I am very knowledgeable on Greek mythology. 

  Please comment below with your opion on the short story or if you are intrested in the mythology lessons.

Daughter of Athena