
Monday, June 17, 2013

Ships Ships and More Ships

  No, I am not going to be talking about the Argo I.  Today we are going to be talking about ships like Percabeth, that are either a real thing, and ships like Liper, that won't work no matter what you think.  First we are going to talk about ships that don't work  Encase your wondering, Percabeth is going to be at the end.

    If I forget a few ships, don't hate me; just comment below to let me know and I will add it to this post.

  Bad ships up first!


  Where do I start? Well,  first this ship is never going to happen.  If you are a Jeyna shipper don't get mad, just hear me out and then decide.  Now, Jason already has a girlfriend, and I know that you may be saying, "Well...they could break up".  Let's think about this. Jason is happy with Piper.  I have to ask, those of you who think that Jeyna was a thing before Piper, where do you get that idea?  Sure Jason remembered Reyna's name, but it has been stated that they were never a thing.  The only other argument that I could think a Jeyna fan could have is the fact that they were praetors together, but even though most praetors ended up dating there is no rule that says they must.

(This isn't going to take long) I love Leo, don't get me wrong, but we're talking about Reyna and Leo.  High and mighty, powerful Reyna is going to date a goofball like Leo?  Really think about this. They are total opposites.  How in the Hades could that works?

This ship is kind of like Leyna.  Piper and Leo are totally opposites.  How the heck is this even a ship?
  I can kind of see this ship.  Considering Hazel dated Leo's great-grandfather Sammy, and Leo is supposed to be exactly like Sammy, I can see how she would be interested in Leo.  I don't think this ship will happen though.  Sammy is Leo's great-grandfather and I guarantee that Hazel would feel very weird about dating Leo. 
  This is the big one.  I understand how this  could have happened about 4ish books ago, but it is out of the question entirely now!  Why?  Not only because of Percabeth, but also because Rachel is now oracle and can't date.  But let's be honest.  Was Percachel ever a real possibility to anyone but Rachel (and of course, the few Perachel fans out there).  Yes, yes, I know that Percy and Rachel kiss (Side thought? Does Annabeth know?  Your thoughts?), but it was never a thing to me.  Obviously it was a thing to at least one person.  I was ever worried that the Percachel ship would destroy the Percabeth ship.  The fact that there still is kind of a Percachel ship just annoys me.
  Now for the real ships!
  This ship may not be Percabeth perfection (well no ships are Percabeth perfection), but I think that Jason and Piper are a good couple.   I can't imagine Piper and Jason dating anyone else, but I am not sure that they will make it much longer.  I'm sure that they won't end up breaking up, but it almost  seems like Piper considers it at times.  Then again, Jason is an okay boyfriend compared to Percy and every time I think that they will break up, it is after Piper is jealous because Percy did something sweet for Annabeth.  Also, Jason doesn't always share information with Piper and I am sure that would get frustrating after a while.

  I am not really sure about this ship.  I think it works, but they are a new couple and we haven't gotten to see them interact as a couple much.  I can't really say much for Frazel; I need to see more of them to really see how they work.
This is the best ship of all, of course!  I LOVE how they started as friends and then after going through all that they went through together they ended up as a couple. They are the perfect couple.  They are SO sweet and Percy is so sweet and wonderful to Annabeth.  And not only are they sweet to each other, but they have very sweet moments like the zoo truck, the dance, the labyrinth kiss, the underwater kiss, etc...  I could go on and on and on, but I want to save some of my thoughts on Percabeth for another time.  If you want, I have another short post on Percabeth.  Here is the link:



  One last thing, the Argo II is an awesome, amazing ship!
  Thanks so much for reading and don't forget to comment below!
Daughter of Athena

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

House of Hades Cover Reveal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

   I know that you don't want to read some long intro, so behold the cover for House of Hades! 

Pinned Image

  First,  if you did not take the time to really study the cover, then please go back and enjoy it.

  Okay so where to start...Well I think the cover is perfect.  This is my favorite HoO cover.  I have no complaint with the art work;  I give the cover 100,000,000 out of 5 stars.  However, I do have one thing that scares me, but I will get to that in a minute.

  I love that you can see the Doors of  Death in the background.  If you really look at Percy, he looks a LITTLE on edge.   But that my have something to do with the fact that he is in Tartarus with a whole bunch of crazy monsters that hate him.
  Speaking of the monsters, how are they going to rest for even a millo-second?  Half of the monsters were killed by Percy and the other half just want to kill any half-blood that they meet.  That would be enough to make me more than insane, then again this is Percy and Annabeth were talking about; they may end up slightly crazy, but they will come out alive. (She says very very VERY hopefully!) No, in all seriousness, no matter how many times we freak out and say that they are going to die, we all know that Rick Riordan can't kill off Percy ad Annabeth- he could, but I doubt he will. 
   I know Annabeth is going to have a great time in Tartarus with her broken ankle.  At least she has Percy to help her out. 

  Now I don't want to really scare you are any thing, but take another look at the cover.  Do you see anything?  Anything that makes you nervous?  No? Yes?  Kind of?  If not, really study the cover for a while.  Once you notice it, you will always focus on it.  See it yet?

  I noticed it almost instantly and it makes me very nervous for the book.  If you haven't noticed it yet, then look at Percy.  Now look at his face, specifically his eyes.  Here it is zoomed in for you: 


  This is the only thing about the cover that makes me wish that we had a different cover.  But I am sure it is all fine...Right? (*freaked out and nervous smile*) They'll be fine...I know it! (*REALLY freaked out nervous smile*)
  Now try to look at the cover without immediately looking at Percy's eyes.  Hard, right? 
   Now that all that is out of they way, let's move on from the cover to my "predictions" for the book.

  I don't really make predictions for books, but I am going to predict the narrators.  I predict that we will have Percy, Jason,  Hazel, and Frank, but not Annabeth because she was really big in this last book. I would say Nico, but Rick Riordan has said that he will not have a PoV.  I am pretty positive that Percy and Jason will definitely be two of the PoVs.  I also think that the book will start with Jason's PoV.   

 I am curious to see Nico "take charge" and become more like the leader of the quest.  He will probably be hesitant at first not really knowing how the others will respond to the youngest one on the quest giving them commands.  If anyone was have a problem with Nico giving commands, it would be Jason.  I don't see that happening, but if something like that was to happen I don't see anyone else being the cause. 

  Why don't I see that happening?  Well...everyone (Yes, including Jason) REALLY respects Percy, and since Percy told Nico to lead the quest to the doors, no one will want to argue. 

  I only have one prediction left.  And it is what the cliffhanger will be.  I predict that it will be one of two things.  It will either be Percy and Annabeth are just getting to the doors/about to open the doors or it will be the Leo (Yes, his name gets to go first!), Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Nico, and Coach Hedge about to open the doors to let a waiting Percy and Annabeth out.  I believe that it will be the first way, though. But either way, it will involve the door, and I can pretty much grantee the we will all die a little inside after reading the end.

  Well I think that is enough for now. 

  Please comment below.  I am REALLY interested in hearing what you have to say about the House of Hades cover and your predictions for the book.

  Thanks for reading!

Daughter of Athena


Second Sea of Monster Trailer

    I am sorry for not Posting lately.  Please enjoy the second Sea of Monsters Trailer.
  Well, not that much more was revealed.  If more had been revealed, I may have written some long post talking about all the new info; but since it is not that much, I am not going to take the time.  I just wanted to make sure to share this with y'all.
  I do have a question for y'all though.  I was wondering if y'all think that I should start teaching Greek mythology on here.  I am not just talking about Zeus is married to his sister Hera and their dad is Kronus type of myths.  I would start there and  work up to myths that not many people know that well like: Pyramus and Thisbe or Hyacinth.  I am very knowledgeable on Greek myths. 
  Please comment below and tell me what you think about my teaching the myths idea and also tell me your expectations for the Sea of Monsters movie.

Daughter of Athena